Coffee is a very popular beverage that most people drink almost religiously. Whether you want to charge up before the start of a working day or feel like going out with friends for a chat, coffee will always be the perfect beverage that you can enjoy.
Drinking coffee has been seen as medically beneficial, as coffee contains a lot of antioxidants which fight against toxins in the body and help to keep us healthy against all odds.
However, for some people, coffee can have some negative effects. Dr. Josh Axe speaks about the benefits and drawbacks of drinking coffee in his video “Is Coffee Bad for You?”
While coffee keeps the body energised and de-stressed, some people complain that coffee causes a lot of stomach pain. Research indicates that coffee can cause the excessive production of gastric acids, which might then hurt the tissue lining the stomach walls.
It is quite easy to blame coffee as the cause of excessive acidity, but research proves that coffee usually contains low acidity. The elements in coffee that can cause irritation in our stomachs are usually caffeine, N-alkanoyl- 5 hydroxytryptamides and catechols. These elements can also be reduced in quantity by roasting the coffee beans.
It has been found that roasting and extra processing helps in increasing the total amount of NMP (N-methyl pyridinium) in coffee beans. This element NMP has been found to combat and counter the effects of catechols, caffeine and hydroxytryptamides in the stomach.
As a result, researchers are stating that coffee lovers with sensitive stomachs just have to change the way they consume their coffee, and they will not experience stomach pains anymore. So next time you decide to enjoy a cup of joe, try opting for high roasted coffee beans which will yield a stronger, richer taste in your beverage.
Some reputed companies are also processing their coffee beans to create coffee grinds with less acidity in them. Low-acid coffee beans like Hevla, HealthWise, Puroast and Folgers Simply Smooth are pre-processed so that they do not cause high acidity.
There are other ways in which you can prepare your coffee for better taste and less acid release in your stomach. Cold brews are usually made without heating the coffee too much, which means that less of the oils of the coffee grinds are released into the water.
Cold brews are also perfect to have in hotter climates, so if you want to enjoy your sunny days, try to grab a cold cup of coffee if you can. If you are not in the mood for a cold brew, try other methods like the Espresso, French Press and Turkish Single Rise to make your coffee. To reduce risk even further, try to drink your coffee with milk. Milk will dilute the elements which cause high acidity.
Apart from experimenting with different types of brew methods and adding more ingredients like milk to dilute your coffee, you also need to watch your diet regimen.
A lot of people usually rely on beverages to get energy, without focusing on solid food to keep their stomach full. Nowadays we focus on work too much, and end up paying less attention to one of the most important meals of the day – breakfast.
If you drink your coffee in the morning on an empty stomach, your stomach will release HCL acid. HCL acid usually is released in our stomach to digest food and if there is no food in your stomach, the acid will start digesting your stomach walls. This is why it is important to have your coffee with a hearty breakfast. It will reduce your problems of acidity greatly.
Coffee stomach ache can be really bothersome, especially if you are a big fan of coffee drinking. Coffee beans have a lot of health benefits, so it would really be a shame if your stomach acidity prevents you from drinking coffee.
Also, stick to a proper time for having your coffee. Do not take coffee during irregular hours, especially after evening. Excessive caffeine intake during the evening can keep you awake for longer hours in the night, and that might prevent you from having a good night’s sleep. Eating and sleeping well will definitely reduce your stomach ache.