We are more than happy to consider new contributions. Here is what you should know:
- Word count: We set no minimums or maximums but our posts typically have between 1000 and 2000 words
- Tone: We’re looking for friendly, casual and generally positive tone. Please have a look at what we have previously posted on our website
- Original content: Posts submitted should be unique and original to Coffee Tea Club. We do not accept posts that have already been published elsewhere online
- We are not interested in SEO-driven submissions: If you are writing articles for the sole purpose of linking up keywords in an effort to boost SEO or to plug a product or brand name in a post, we are not interested
- Bio: We are more than happy to include a byline and your brief bio containing links to your website, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter accounts, which we will promote when your post goes live. Please keep your bio to just 2-3 sentences
We love connecting with new contributors; however, Coffee Tea Club consists of just a few people. As such, sometimes we don’t have the opportunity to respond to all submissions. We can assure you, however, that we carefully read every single submission that we receive.
If your post has been accepted, we will respond within 14 days. If your post has not run within two weeks of submission, we have passed.
By submitting your article to Coffee Tea Club you acknowledge that you accept our terms, and any form of editing that might occur on behalf of the Coffee Tea Club editorial team.
Contact details for submissions: sam@coffeeteaclub.co.uk.