All coffee is good coffee, right? Doesn’t it mostly taste the same? Well, not quite – there are a great many different types out there that you can choose from. So is Liberica coffee good? Is it better than other types of coffee? What makes this particular type better than others? Let’s have a look into this unique coffee.
Is Liberica Coffee Good?
Liberica coffee has been described as “the Marmite of coffee” – you either love it or you hate it!
Whether or not it is good depends on your personal tastes – you may really like the flavour or you may prefer something different.
Liberica produces the largest beans of all the coffee plants. Its flavour is said to be smoky and nutty, with a chocolatey aftertaste.
People who really like their coffee to taste like coffee tend to favour Liberica, as you are left in no doubt as to what drink you are drinking!
As well as that distinctive flavour, Liberica offers a floral undertone that many coffee drinkers see as the Holy Grail of coffee.
However, poor quality Liberica lets the side down – it has far more of a smoky, strong, woody flavour, which can really put some people off.
Which Is Better Liberica Or Robusta?
Both of these coffees are great, let’s not beat around the bush. But which is better? This is purely personal taste, so here’s a list of their characteristics, so you can decide:
- A much less commonly drunk coffee bean, Liberica came close to extinction because of lack of cultivation.
- Characterised by its large beans and much taller plant growth, Liberica is able to survive much poorer conditions than many other types of coffee bean.
- The beans are almond shaped and asymmetrical, almost teardrop shaped with a very strong aroma.
- The taste is intense, with a full flavour and smoky undertones. The best Liberica also has chocolatey, fruity undertones.
- This coffee is best drunk as an espresso, so that you can truly appreciate the unique flavour if this coffee bean.
- This bean is the second most produced coffee in the world, second only to Arabica. They are very easy to grow and cultivate.
- Robusta contains a much higher caffeine level than many other types of coffee, making it resistant against pests – and also much more likely to kick you out of bed in the morning!
- The beans are round, pale and dry, and the plant itself can survive in a variety of different conditions.
- Robusta’s flavour is very smooth and not bitter, whilst tasting intensely of what it is meant to – namely, coffee!
- This one is ideal for making iced coffees, as its flavour comes through strongly, even when loaded with milk and sugar.
Now that you have a little more idea of these two different coffees, you can decide which one you want to go for – or just get both!
For a visual explanation of the different types of coffee, here’s a good video:
What Does Liberica Taste Like?
Some people love it, some people hate it… If you are one of the people who hates Liberica, then chances are you have just not had a good version of it!
This is an intensely flavoured coffee, and some of the lesser quality beans have been reported to taste woody, and overly smoky.
If you get a really good cup of Liberica, you will likely note the chocolatey flavour of the coffee, with a touch of smokiness.
Some drinkers love it because it also contains hints of floral and spicy undertones, making for a really interesting cup of coffee.
If you have tried the best variety of Liberica and you still hate it, that’s ok too! We’re all different; stick to whatever type of coffee you like the most.
Is Liberica Good For Espressos?
In a word, yes! Liberica is an excellent coffee for espressos, as this is how you can truly experience the flavour and aroma of this bean.
Coffee with milk and sugar is great, but sometimes you just need that instant, unmistakeable hit of pure coffee, right?
Liberica is the perfect bean for espressos, as you can really experience the full depth of flavour.
Drinking coffee entirely unadulterated is the finest way to really taste the coffee; its initial flavour and also its more subtle undertones.
If you are looking for a new coffee to try out for your morning hit of espresso, you could do far worse than getting into Liberica.
What Is The Difference Between Arabica And Liberica?
These two distinct types of coffee are quite different, both in their cultivation and their flavours, so let’s have a look at both in detail:
- Arabica is the most commonly consumed coffee globally, making up around 60% of commercial coffee sold.
- This plant likes to grow in warm, volcanic environments, with plenty of rain and well draining soil. It is much less adaptable to the environment than other types of coffee.
- Arabica is a sweet tasting bean, with complex flavours and a medium body. They are subtle, and have many layers of flavour.
- This is the least cultivated coffee out there, though it recently gained a foothold when much of the world’s Arabica supply was wiped out.
- Liberica can survive in more varied conditions than other types of coffee, and it is a much bigger plant in general than its cousins.
- Its unique flavour is described by some as smoky and a little “woody”, though it has some impressive floral and fruity notes too.
My best advice to you is to get some of both Arabica and Liberica and start experimenting to see which are best for you!
If you want to find out more about the other different types of coffee bean there are, check out this detailed article.
Final Thoughts
Once you have started experiencing the different types of coffee out there, you will almost certainly find one that you like above all the others.
Now that you know a little more about the Liberica type, you can be more sure if this is the one that you want to be drinking every day of your life, or if you fancy something different.