Does Drinking Coffee Cause Bloating?

Can coffee cause bloating? Abdominal bloating is a common problem. If you have experienced a full, tight feeling in your stomach and noticed that your belly seems swollen, you are suffering from bloat, and coffee may be the cause.

Gastroenterologists warn that the caffeine in coffee may cause food to exit the stomach too quickly, causing bloating. It also has a tendency to cause spasms in the digestive tract and in the bowel. This, too, can cause bloating. Additionally, the acidity of coffee can irritate the stomach lining. It may cause or aggravate bloating, especially in people who suffer from some types of food allergies or medical conditions.

Coffee exacerbates a number of medical conditions

Bloating is a common symptom of many stomach problems. If you have problems with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastritis or peptic ulcers, you should avoid drinking regular or decaffeinated coffee according to researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC).

The acidity of both beverages can further irritate inflammation and irritation in the stomach and bowel. These acids are especially irritating to peptic ulcer sores in the stomach, intestines and esophagus.

Caffeine exacerbates premenstrual syndrome symptoms

Many women experience a constellation of symptoms ranging in severity from annoying to debilitating prior to and during menstruation. Bloating is a common symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Drinking coffee or partaking of other foods and beverages that contain caffeine or are very acidic can make this problem worse. Additionally, consuming caffeine can increase other PMS symptoms such as cramping, pain and irritability.

Acute or chronic diarrhea and bloating

There are a number of reasons why a person might suffer from diarrhea. Among them are bacterial or viral infections, food allergies and some medications. Bloating is often an accompanying symptom, and drinking coffee will only make matters worse. Furthermore, if you tend to drink a lot of coffee on a regular, daily basis your caffeine habit could lead to very severe bloating and chronic diarrhea.

What about does decaffeinated coffee?

It is possible that switching from regular coffee to decaf could help ease stomach upset and bloating; however, this is not always the case. As we have discussed, caffeine is not the only aspect of coffee that can cause gastric distress and bloating. The acidity of decaf could also cause trouble.

It is also important to realise that decaf is not really entirely caffeine free. A typical cup contains between two and ten milligrams of caffeine. This is a small amount compared to regular coffee, which can contain between one-hundred and two-hundred milligrams of caffeine per cup. Nonetheless, if you are sensitive to it, that small amount of caffeine may cause you problems.

Food allergies and lactose intolerance

If you switch from regular to decaf and still have bloating problems, it’s possible that coffee isn’t the problem at all. Lactose is a naturally occurring carbohydrate found in cow’s milk.

Lactose intolerance can cause a great deal of bloating from the consumption of a very small amount of milk or other dairy products. This problem is more common than you might think. In the US, approximately 25% of adults experience lactose intolerance. Worldwide, about 75% of adults suffer from this problem.

Some sweeteners and coffee enhancers can also cause gastric distress and bloating. Artificial sweeteners such as malitol and sorbitol contain short-chain carbohydrates that are quite difficult for the small intestine to absorb. If they are not absorbed, they ferment in the colon. This causes gas and bloating.

To counter these problems, try switching from cow’s milk or cream to a natural milk alternative (e.g. almond milk) and a natural sweetener such as stevia, honey or molasses.

Drink a different beverage

It may seem hard to switch from coffee to gentler alternatives, but it really can make a difference. If you experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms (e.g. headaches, sleepiness) just drink lots of pure, filtered water, take it easy and rest assured your symptoms will pass in a few days.

Sometimes when coffee causes irritation and bloating, you may just naturally go off it. If you just lose your taste for coffee, you can immediately enjoy exploring the world of tea!

There are many wonderful choices in herbal teas that offer a varied and enriching experience and may also settle your tummy. Especially soothing alternatives include peppermint, ginger and chamomile.

For more coffee-like alternatives, try herbal brews consisting of chicory, barley, dandelion root, rye and carob.

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